Poptropica 3rd Birthday Balloon for Everyone
Everyone can now get an orange Poptropica 3rd birthday balloon in the Poptropica Store. It’s completely free. Just click on Inflate once you have the card and your Poptropican will be carrying around an orange birthday balloon with the number 3 on it. This is not the same as the special balloon you’ll find in the common areas where you can get the ultra-rare prize, so don’t be fooled!

Poptropica 3rd Birthday Balloons

Poptropica is celebrating its 3rd birthday this month and to mark the occasion, they’ve put lots of balloons in all of the common rooms. That includes the common areas found on all the Main Street zones in the Poptropica islands and in all the player multiverse rooms. Whenever you enter one, you’ll see a lot of balloons. Click on them to pop each one if you like.

Party time in Poptropica

Better yet, if you spot a balloon with a big number 3 on it, you can pop it to get an ultra-rare prize. The prize is a 3rd birthday costume that features a huge hat with the number 3 coming out of it. You also get a little party noisemaker. The trick to finding the balloon is patience. Just pick a multi-player room and keep entering and exiting until the balloon appears. You can’t miss it: it’s big and blue and has the number 3 on it. My favorite room to use is the Soda Pop place in Early Poptropica because it’s smaller than others and you don’t have to walk around to find the balloon. It’ll either be right there when you enter or you can exit and try again. Keep trying: it took me at least 30 or 40 attempts before it was there.

I found you!

There’s a 
new page on the main Poptropica site that explains the celebration. Look a the bottom of the page and you’ll see that the “message has been approved by Balloon Boy.” LOL. Maybe the Creators will save him now.

Balloon Boy approves...as long as you don't pop his green balloon.

Inside Steamworks – The Old Vine

I’m continuing this series of shorter walkthrough posts for 
Poptropica Steamworks Island. After reading through the comments on my Poptropica Cheats for Steamworks Island Post and on the Youtube video, a lot of people are saying that they’re having problems finding the old vine in Steamworks. You’ll need the old vine to defeat the plant monster hiding in the sewers beneath the hatch. And of course you’ll need to defeat him to get down to the elevator engine so that you can power it back up.

Finding the old vine is very easy and it’s one of the first things you can do on this quest. You’ll find it in Gear Alley, which is the zone just to the left of the Main Street area where you start. Run left past the Living Quarters building until you see a green steam vent right above street level. Jump up on this to ride it to the roof of this building.

You're going to ride this steam vent to get to the roof.

Once you land on the roof, there’s the old vine sitting on top of it just waiting for you to pick it up and place it in your backpack.

The old vine is up here on the roof.

Once you’ve found Sprocket the robot and obtained the Robot Crab, you’ll enter the hatch and descend into the sewers below. Here’s where you’ll use the old vine to grab the steam pipe and defeat the plant monster blocking your path.

Eat steam, Plant Monster!